Benchmarking and Tracking Horizontal Scale Up
A planning tool to identify what systems-level results to seek, steps to take, and progress-tracking related to horizontal scale up (reaching more people).
Adapted from: Promising Practices in Scale-up Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation: A Compendium of Resources; Benchmark Tables
A tool to set measurable goals for horizontal scale up and track tangible end results.
Before scale up, it is important to agree upon the desired end results: how many sites is it reasonable to add? How many people will you reach? In what time frame? Where will new sites be? These are horizontal scale-up considerations. Setting achievable scale-up results for reaching more people and tracking your progress will help your action plan succeed.
You should now have
- Agreed-upon horizontal scale-up results
- Quantifiable indicators to track that the results will be met
- A timeframe for achievement with benchmarks (targets) to meet along the way
- A tracking sheet