
Benchmarking and Tracking Horizontal Scale Up

A planning tool to identify what systems-level results to seek, steps to take, and progress-tracking related to horizontal scale up (reaching more people).

Adapted from: Promising Practices in Scale-up Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation: A Compendium of Resources; Benchmark Tables


A tool to set measurable goals for horizontal scale up and track tangible end results.

Before scale up, it is important to agree upon the desired end results: how many sites is it reasonable to add? How many people will you reach? In what time frame? Where will new sites be? These are horizontal scale-up considerations. Setting achievable scale-up results for reaching more people and tracking your progress will help your action plan succeed.

You should now have

  • Agreed-upon horizontal scale-up results
  • Quantifiable indicators to track that the results will be met
  • A timeframe for achievement with benchmarks (targets) to meet along the way
  • A tracking sheet


Interactive Worksheet (English, A4)

Make the tools your own

There are many ways to use each tool. The key is to consider how the tool can be adapted and used in your specific context.