Find a Module

The modules in this Guide are designed to structure a process—we might think of it as a kind of journey. It has a starting point, a destination and, between those two points, several places where decisions must be made.

Contents of the Modules

Each module has three components. The first component begins by introducing the content in each section. The introduction is followed by a list of the tools that support the module’s content. Click on any tool to access it. The tool will include instructions, facilitation tips, the tool itself, and advice on how to apply the insights you have gained. All tools have been designed to be simple and self-directed. In a few cases, however, the instructions may suggest that a skilled facilitator might add value.

The second component—designed to help translate reflection into action after you have used the tools—asks users to apply what they have learned in the first component of the module to their national goals to end violence against children. The short third component of each module suggests some additional resources, and ends by asking where the user wants to go next: to the next module or to revisit earlier sections.

The Basics

Key issues in adaptation and scale.

In this module, we start with some basics of adaptation and scale up. The goal is to make sure there is common language and thinking as we set off on the journey.

Making Choices

Selecting activities to adapt and scale.

In this module, we ask, “Who will support the scale up of activities to end violence against children?” and, “What activities should we prioritize for adaptation and scale up?”

Will it Fit? How Will it Scale?

Adjusting activities to fit, setting benchmarks for scale.

In this module, we look at how to anticipate the potential for “fit” (or suitable adaptation) of model activities into future target sites and how to set realistic benchmarks to stay on track.

Leading and Learning

Coordinating Implementing Partners.

In this module, we discuss strengthening understanding of the core principles of each intervention, the use of adaptive capacity and management techniques, and documentation and learning from the adaptation and scale-up processes.

Advancing Your Strategy

Sharing your INSPIRE adaptation and scale-up journey with others.

In this module, we turn to the topic of sharing progress with partners and stakeholders to advance your scale-up strategy.

Tools for the journey ahead

Customizable resources to aid in applying the strategies of adaptation and scale up to your country’s action plan.