
Scalability Assessment

An assessment to determine the scalability of different activities based on factors such as credibility, support, ease of adoption, and funding sustainability.

Adapted from: USAID Basic Toolkit for Systematic Scale-up, developed by MSI based on ExpandNet: Nine steps for developing a scaling-up strategy, p.17


A tool to understand which activities can be scaled successfully, and what support those activities will need.

Not all activities with a solid evidence base are feasible to scale and sustain. Several characteristics need to align in order to make an attempt at scaling a priority. Taking time to assess the fit of an activity for scale up in your context can avoid problems later on.

You should now have

  • A list of which interventions can potentially be scaled successfully
  • Suggested areas of activity modifications which will increase the likelihood of successful scale up.


Interactive Worksheet (English, A4)

Make the tools your own

There are many ways to use each tool. The key is to consider how the tool can be adapted and used in your specific context.