This Guide is designed to allow you to move through it at your own pace, making your own decisions about which tools will be most helpful to you. We encourage you to consider the goals of each tool, prioritize, use, and reuse those you find helpful.

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Each country has developed an action plan that provides a vision for ending violence against children. There is no standard format for action plans across countries—some are very detailed and concrete, while others are more general. Because each country’s action plan is unique to their own needs, priorities, and capacities, this Guide is designed to be flexible. It highlights the key decisions needed to adapt and scale the INSPIRE approach and offers tools to collect and reflect on the information needed to make those decisions. We invite you to use this Guide in any way that works best for you. Use some of the tools, or all of them, in any order that makes sense to you.
1AElements of a Scale-up Framework
A graphic depiction of the elements of scale up and how they interact.
1BEnvironmental Assessment: Ending Violence Against Children Timeline
An exercise to create a historical timeline of actions and actors ending violence against children in your country.
1CEnvironmental Assessment: Domains
A group exercise taking stock of the environment to identify opportunities for and risks to scale up.
1DEnvironmental Assessment: Actor Analysis
A grid to map the many scale-up actors and to think about their roles and potential to affect scale up.
1EThe “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” Game
A game for members of a team who progress across the game board by naming and discussing different sources of complexity that may require adaptation.
1FUncovering Risks and Preconditions to Achieving Action-Plan Results
A visual format to surface risks and necessary preconditions of scale up that are embedded within your action plan to end
violence against children and consider actions and activities that would be needed to address them.
2ABuilding a Successful Resource Team
A profile of who is on your team and what viewpoints, backgrounds, and expertise they bring.
2BEnding Violence Against Children Activity Implementation and Evidence Profile
A way to review key elements of an activity and assess the evidence that the activity is effective.
2CScalability Assessment
An assessment to determine the scalability of different activities based on factors such as credibility, support, ease of adoption, and funding sustainability.
3AContext of Implementation Analysis
An interview and discussion guide that allows the National Coordination Mechanism to compare and contrast model and target sites to better understand the factors contributing to successful adaptation and scale.
3BPartner Capacity Assessment
An assessment for partner organizations to understand their strengths and resources.
3CBenchmarking and Tracking Vertical Scale Up
A planning tool to prioritize systems-level results and track progress related to vertical scale up (institutionalization).
3DBenchmarking and Tracking Horizontal Scale Up
A planning tool to identify what systems-level results to seek, steps to take, and progress-tracking related to horizontal scale up (reaching more people).
4ACore and Peripheral Elements of a Violence Against Children Prevention Activity
A worksheet to facilitate discussion—to visualize what is core to an activity and what is peripheral when scaling up in order to preserve fidelity.
4BUsing Adaptive Management
A poster to send Implementing Partners which teaches both the idea of adaptive management, as well as a process for gathering feedback from frontline staff and using it to respond and adapt.
4CDocumenting Learning
A worksheet to capture what you are learning on a key question of interest, and to monitor how information about this question can improve adaptation and scale.
5AEnding Violence Against Children Event Tracker
A worksheet to identify important categories to track, as well as to create a timeline of key events in the scale-up environment.
5BAdapting in Response to Stakeholder Feedback
A set of discussion/interview guides to gather perspectives from a range of stakeholders on what parts of the scale-up strategy are going well, as well as which parts need improvement.
5CPulling in the Same Direction: A Cross-Sectoral Review
A guide for developing an event, or series of events, that convenes key actors in scale-up efforts to identify their contributions to the action plan to end violence against children, as well as to increase coordination.
R1 Insights and Action
A guided reflection and check on progress—focused on what is emerging and high priority at the moment.