Key Terms
Here’s what we mean when we say:
Action plan or action plan to end violence against children
A document that sets out how a country intends to achieve specific results of ending violence against children within a specified timeframe. Some action plans are very detailed, and others are more general.
Activity or violence against children prevention activity
Any form of work to end violence against children that can be adapted or scaled. Activities may be practices, components of a project, entire projects, innovations, interventions, or programs.
The intentional process of making modifications to a model activity so it can be transferred from an original model site to a target site(s).
Adaptive management
A style of activity management that emphasizes continuous collection of information to flag needed improvements and facilitate adaptation.
Core elements
The elements or pieces of a model activity that are shown to be necessary to the activity’s success and should always be present during scale-up. Core elements may take different shapes in different contexts, but they must meet the same goals.
Environment or environment of ending violence against children
The context in your country, including things like social norms, policies, historical events, economic conditions, and everything else that has shaped the problem of violence against children in your country.
Horizontal scale up
The way of ensuring that an activity to end violence against children is distributed more broadly across geographic areas and populations.
Implementing Partner
An organization that is responsible for implementing a related activity to end violence against children.
INSPIRE approach
A framework for cross-sectoral collaboration to advance evidence-based activities to end violence against children.
Model activity
An activity that has been demonstrated to be effective and merits scaling-up to other sites to end violence against children.
Model sites
The specific context and location where a model activity has demonstrated its effectiveness.
National Coordination Mechanism
A group—convened by governments—which is authorized to oversee and monitor a country’s action plan to end violence against children.
National Coordination Mechanism + Resource Team
The National Coordination Mechanism, as well as an invited group of community members who provide greater skills and knowledge for adaptation and scale up.
Peripheral elements
The elements of activities that can be easily adapted to fit the model activity to new sites and contexts. These elements are not considered core.
The circumstances that must be in place to reach the goals of an activity.
Resource Team
A group of individuals invited by the National Coordination Mechanism to add skills and expertise to the design, implementation, and monitoring of the INSPIRE approach to ending violence against children.
Possible obstacles in the environment that may be a barrier to reach the goals.
Scale up
The strategic and intentional process of spreading a model activity to new sites and/or new populations in a sustainable way through both horizontal- and vertical-scaling.
An individual or group that is personally and/or professionally committed to ending violence against children and has an interest in promoting related activities. These stakeholders may be government actors, local community leaders, Implementing Partners, service providers, donors, and researchers.
Target sites
The contexts and locations where the government may wish to scale-up evidence-based model activities.
Vertical scale up
The way of ensuring that an activity to end violence against children is integrated into a country’s policy, budgetary, administrative, training, and service-delivery systems.